Cheap Gas and Electricity in St Catherines

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St Catherines is a Suburban Area in Lincolnshire, East Midlands, England.

Electricity in St Catherines

When the electricity industry was privatised in 1997 the UK was divided into 14 Public Electricity Suppliers (PES for short). While you can now choose from many different electricity suppliers the PES areas that you are located in will have a significant effect on the cost of your electricity. Standing charges and unit rates differ between PES areas.

St Catherines is in the East Midlands Electricity network PES area which covers the East Midlands area of the UK.

East Midlands Electricity is owned by Western Power Distribution who are the company responsible for maintaining the physical electricity network in St Catherines and the surrounding area.

Gas in St Catherines

St Catherines is connected to the gas distribution network so mains gas is available in this area.

Green Energy in St Catherines

Consumers are increasingly looking for green energy, also known as renewable energy, as a more environmentally friendly option for powering their homes. Several suppliers that specialise in wind energy, solar energy and hydroelectric energy are available in all parts of the UK and that includes St Catherines. Just use our handy checker at the top of this page and choose “Green Plans” to see renewable energy suppliers in this area.

What to do in an emergency

If you have an electrical emergency in St Catherines call Western Power Distribution on 0800 056 8090

If you have a gas emergency in St Catherines call National Gas Emergencies on 0800 111 999. If you are at home, and it is safe to do so, turn off your gas supply. Open doors and windows. Do not smoke or use matches or lighters. Do not turn electrical switches off or on.